









第四章 本邦小学校英語科の目的

   第一節 近世外国語教授の一般的目的

 吾人は茲(ここ)に小学校英語科の目的を論するに先ち所謂近世外国語学習の一般的目的を叙述せんとす、吾人の一般的目的といふは、かの言語学者、人類学者等の外国語研究の目的の如き特殊の目的を除外したるものなり、又近世外国語とは現代に於て地球上に使用せられつつある国語を称しかのラテン、ギリシヤの如き死語(Dead Language)を斥くるものなり、

 さて、近世外国語学習の目的如何 換言すれば近世外国語研究によりて招来す利益如何、吾人は決してオーソリチーに盲従せんとするものにあらざれどもまた先輩の説の大に参考すべき値あるを信ず故に左に二三の説を研究し然る後吾人の説を叙せん

Gouin 氏曰く
  Alongside the material railway needed to enable our bodies to communicate, it is absolutely necessary to construct a “mental railway” for the intercourse of minds. This mental railway must take the form of a linguistic method that shall enable a person, by means of the language, to enter into and assimilate the intelligence, and the spirit of a foreign nation, not as now, in a period of ten or of twenty years, and in so doing to expend the third part of a lifetime, but in the space between two equinoxes, or, for those of trained will, in the space of a single season. On the day when this new species of locomotive is definitely organised and put at the service of men of thought and will, the brotherhood of nations will cease to be a vain and empty word ― a word which Governments laugh to scorn, and peace as well as liberty will perhaps have found their most solid foundation.

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 What is the object in the teaching of modern language? Well, why have we our native tongue? Certainly in order to get the most out of a life lived in a community of our fellow countrymen, in order to exchange thoughts, feelings and wishes with them, both by receiving something of their psychical contents and by communicating to them something of what dwells in us. Language is not an end in itself, just as little as railway trucks; it is a way of connection between souls, a means of communication. 〔...〕

 The purpose in learning foreign languages, then, must be in order to get a way of communication with places which our native tongue cannot reach, for there too may be persons with whom I, for some reason or other, desire to exchange thoughts, or at least from whom I wish to receive thoughts. 〔...〕

 But on the other hand it must not be overlooked that everything which is learned with a sensible end in view, and according to a sensible method, tends in itself more or less directly to develop valuable faculties, and that especially 〔the teaching of languages, in addition to 〕the actual results which it gives through the contents of what one reads in foreign languages, is an excellent means of training such important faculties as ―
the faculty of observing (of observing correctly, of observing independently),
the faculty of classifying under different points of view that which has been observed,
the faculty of deducing general laws from the material collected by observation,
the faculty of drawing conclusions and applying them to other cases than the ones hitherto met with,
― all, of course, faculties that are nearly related ― also the ability to read in general, to read intelligently, and with reflection.



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グアンの引用は、The Art of Teaching and Studying Languages. by Francois Gouin, translated from the French by Howard Swan and Victor Betis. (New York: Longmans, Green & Co.; London: George Philip & Son, Ltd., n.d.[1892]) p.2からのものである。

なお、『英語教授法集成』「第四章 本邦普通教育に於ける外国語の地位」の「第一節 近世外国語教授の一般的目的」では、この部分は次のように要約的に訳されている。(pp. 50-51)


グアンの教授法は、弟子のHoward Swanが1901(明治34)年に来日し、紹介された。

イェスペルセンからの引用は、Otto Jespersen’s How to Teach a Foreign Language, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London, 1904, pp. 4-7からのものである。


